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11/28/2019 5:37:58 AM
Stories Being Implemented to DLive!
I believe DLive should implement “Stories” to the platform, just like other platforms like (Instagram and YouTube for example). Stories being implemented to DLive would help the streamers communicate to their audience outside of their stream or when they are “Currently Offline”. This would be another way to notify your audience. A streamer can post a story saying that they will be live in the next 30 minutes to prior notify their audience before DLive sends the notifications out!
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6/28/2020 4:52:41 PM
i agree with dasgrischa. a "live in xx:xx" screen with a countdown is way more interactive than stories.doing stories is going to be similar to snapchat and facebook and those arent even well received.
5/18/2020 12:04:21 PM
voce leu minha mente acho que agregaria muito mais engajamento infelizmente de cada 10 seguidores de qualquer plataforma apenas uma porcentagem te segue em mideas sociais tenho muita dificuldade em migrar seguidores de uma plataforma para outro sempre havera perdas e esse recurso intefgraria muito o dia dia do streamer com seu publico
3/2/2020 4:54:36 AM
Even Youtube have stories but I think it's a useless feature.If you wanna tell your viewers that you will be online in 30min then just start the stream and make a waiting screen with a countdown or just post your stream on social media like Twitter.So I actually see no need for this feature atm.
2/11/2020 4:02:41 PM
Stap - MEMUR şarkısı aç abi
12/20/2019 9:33:56 PM
I'm probably not the best to speak on this since I'm decisively off all social media and not familiar with the story construct, but I think channels could use more social & interactive features like these. Another suggestion a while back was to have a Twitter-like feed where the streamer can post statuses or updates. Yet another idea was for pinned chat posts that remain at the top and boxed/bolded to stand out. I'm all for this kind of stuff. Could be reserved for partners if need be.